Investing in the future we want to create

What is the purpose of wealth? Can we “do good and do well” at the same time?

RS Group is a Hong Kong based family office, where sustainability is the overarching theme that drives our work, our team, and our portfolio. We believe it is not possible to overcome our mounting social and environmental challenges using industrial era thinking, one in which for-profit and non-profit remain the dominant economic paradigms. New mindsets and collaborative approaches to investment, business and philanthropy are needed if we are going to reverse our planet’s current trajectory of breaking planetary boundaries, and build a global community where social progress and economic development occur in harmony with nature.

More specifically, we see ourselves playing a role in fighing the current climate crisis, protecting nature and biodiversity, improving livelihoods, and overall restoring balance between humans and our planet. We also see the importance of strengthening the resilience of the communities we live in, and restoring the social fabric that bonds humanity and our relationships with each other. We believe we will not be alone on this journey, and hope we can make a lasting and positive impact for future generations.