Recognizing the severity and urgency of the global issues we face today, and recognizing that philanthropic capital alone is insufficient to solve the myriad of challanges we face, Annie and RS Group began applying our entire capital portfolio towards the objective of investing for a better world in 2010. Over 5 years, we gradually replaced managers who were only driven by financial returns, with investments which considered both financial and ESG/impact returns. We also sought out organizations whose work had catalytic impact on tackling some of the most complex sustainability challenges facing the world, and provided capacity building grant support.
The impetus behind building this 100% sustainably invested portfolio is our belief that we have a choice, and indeed a responsibility, to invest in a way that contributes to the well-being of society and the planet, while generating a financial return that meets our needs. We deploy our capital with full awareness of the possible range of direct and indirect value creation (or destruction) from our investments, not only as it affects ourselves, but the wider society.